Press Release: Jim Owles Votes to Endorse Bernie Sanders


Contact: Allen Roskoff, President Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club, 917-553-7180

NEW YORK, NY -- With 82% of the vote the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club (JOLDC) is proud to announce its endorsements of Bernie Sanders for the Democratic Party’s Candidate for President.

“We believe Sanders is keeping with our progressive ideals and represents the greatest hope for true change that we have seen in decades,” said the club.

The Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club, named for the legendary gay rights pioneer Jim Owles, was formed in 2004 as a citywide political activist club with a mission to promote a progressive agenda including the fight for LGBTQ equality, the fight against racism, for universal health care, economic justice, protection for the immigrants in our country and immediate release of the children from the cages. 

“A complete overhaul of the criminal justice system is needed, and an end to mass incarceration. Reinvesting in climate action to save the planet is also a top priority. 

We strongly believe that Bernie Sanders is the candidate that can best address these issues as President,” added the Jim Owles Club.

Jim Owles President, Allen Roskoff who also co-authored of our nation's first Gay Rights Bill said, “We plan to do all we can to elect Bernie Sanders and rid our nation of the racist and vile Donald Trump. In short, we must Defeat the Motherfucker. ”
