Candidate Answers to JOLDC: Jerrold Nadler for US Congress NY-10

Candidate Name: Jerrold Nadler

Office Seeking Election for: US Congress, Congressional District 10 (Brooklyn, Manhattan)

Campaign Address: 131 Varick Street, Suite 1017, New York, NY 10014

Campaign Website:

Campaign Telephone: 212-352-0370

Campaign Social Media Handles (Facebook/Twitter):

Campaign Contact (name/phone/email):
Rob Gottheim / 212-352-0370 /

Explain, based on life experiences and accomplishments, why you believe you are best qualified to represent your district
For nearly 40 years, I have worked tirelessly with and for the LGBT community, striving always for equality for all. I am a founding member of the LGBT Equality Caucus, and have personally authored a number of historic LGBT-related bills, including to the Respect for Marriage Act (RMA), which would repeal the now-unconstitutional Defense of Marriage Act, the Uniting American Families Act (UAFA), which would give same-sex partners equality in immigration, and the Father Mychal Judge Act, which was the first federal benefit to recognize same-sex partners, as well as numerous others.

Early in my career, I lead the effort against Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, as well as advancing efforts to stem anti-gay hate crimes, harassment, and bullying. I authored one of the earliest anti-bullying bills—one of the first to specifically mention bullying based on sexual orientation and/or gender identity—introducing the Antibullying Campaign Act in 2004 to protect childrenagainst physical and verbal threats.

I have also been the House leader for funding the Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) program, and a long-time champion for Ryan White reauthorization, and have consistently won significant increases in HOPWA and Ryan White funding.

I was the first member of the House of Representatives to speak in favor of transgender rights on the House floor, and championed non-discrimination protections based on both sexual orientation and gender identity, including championing a version of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) that included such protections.

I have authored and led the Congressional amicus briefs in the most important marriage equality-related cases argued before the Federal Appellate Division and the U.S. Supreme Court. In the 2013 landmark Windsor v. United States, which went on to strike down Section 3 of DOMA, I led the bi-partisan and bicameral brief—signed by an historic 174 Members of the House and 40 Members of the Senate—which argued that DOMA imposes a sweeping and unjustifiable federal disability on married same-sex couples.

In 2015 and 2016, I lead the effort to designate the Stonewall National Monument, the first ever LGBTQ National Parks site.

This year, as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, I held the first ever hearings on a comprehensive LGBT civil rights bill, the Equality Act, and lead the floor debate that resulted in its historic passage.

Do you now support or have you ever supported openly LGBTQ candidates for public office?
Yes, many times.

If applicable, what legislation directly affecting the LGBT community have you introduced or co-sponsored? (indicate accordingly).
Please see above.

What LGBT organizations have you been involved with, either on a volunteer basis or professionally?
I have had the pleasure of working with an incredible range of LGBTQ organizations – from Jim Owles, SDNYC, and LID, to GMHC, Housing Works, APICHA, Callen Lorde, TLDEF, NCLR, Immigration Equality, Family Equality, HRC, and the NYC LGBT Center, among many, many others.

If applicable, what LGBT organizations have you allocated funds to?
Please see above.

Do you consider yourself a member of the LGBT community?

I am a strong ally.

Have you marched in Pride? Which marches and for approximately how many years?
I have marched in HOP nearly every year for more than three decades. This past year I joined the Queer Liberation March.

Have you employed openly LGBT individuals previously? Do you employ any currently?
Yes and yes.

If you receive our endorsement, do you agree to identify the club on all literature and electronic materials where you list endorsements?

What press conferences, demonstrations, rallies and protests in support of LGBT issues, pro choice legislation, criminal justice issues and the Resist Trump Movement have you attended?
In the past year alone, there are far too many to list.

If elected or re-elected will you become a member of the “Squad?"
I’m not sure the Squad is accepting applications.

Have you ever been arrested? If so please explain why and outcome of arrest.

Will you advocate for legislation to mandate the review of sentences of incarcerated individuals over the age of 55 who have served in excess of 15 years to determine if they warrant release?


Do you commit to visit constituents who are incarcerated in state prisons such as Bedford Correctional Facility?
I have visited many prisons, including leading emergency inspections of the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn.

Do you believe sincere remorse, risk of reoffending and actions taken while incarcerated should be considered over the original crime in determinations of parole?
Parole boards should consider all factors, including sincere remorse and actions while incarcerated, when making determinations.

Have you participated in any demonstrations or protests in relation to the issues of clemency and parole?
I have attended demonstrations and protests, among other actions such as writing letters to the appropriate officials. I also sponsor the MORE Act, which would reassess marijuana convictions, and supported the FIRST STEP Act, which required federal prisons to offer programs to reduce recidivism; banned the shackling of pregnant women; and expanded the cap on “good time credit,” which will benefit an estimated 85% of federal prisoners, and reduced the impact of some mandatory minimum sentences, notably with retroactive application of the reduced crack cocaine sentences under the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010.

Will you affirmatively seek to hire formerly incarcerated individuals?

Do you believe in the decriminalization of sex work?

If an incumbent, did you vote for HR 1865 in 2018? Will you introduce and or support legislation to amend HR 1865 so that sex between consenting adults, with monetary exchange, is legalized? This would include the use of ads and on-line contact.

We cannot stand by as people are held in slavery, and I am deeply committed to ending human trafficking around the world. SESTA-FOSTA was intended to aid in the efforts to stamp out this horrific crime, and I voted in favor of the bill. I am concerned about how the bill is being implemented, and I am interested in hearing more from the sex work community about how it is impacting their lives. To that end, I co-sponsor the H.R.5448 – SAFE SEX Workers Study Act, which would direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services to conduct a study to assess the unintended impacts on the health and safety of people engaged in transactional sex, in connection with the enactment of SESTA-FOSTA.

Do you support a national law legalizing gestational surrogacy? Will you introduce such legislation?
I am an original co-sponsor of the Access to Infertility Treatment and Care Act, which would expand insurance coverage of infertility treatments, including gestational surrogacy, nationwide.

What proposals will you advocate for the protection of immigrants and to further New York as a Sanctuary City?
I am the author of the H.R.541 - Keep Families Together Act, which limits the separation of families at or near U.S. borders or ports of entry, which includes New York, and imposes limits on the prosecution of asylum seekers.

Will you advocate, including introducing legislation, to remove public funding from religious schools?
I believe strongly in the separation of religion and government, and have fought to maintain the appropriate balance.

Do you support the establishment of supervised drug consumption spaces?

Have you ever endorsed any member of the IDC or any candidates who challenged IDC members? Please identify all candidates
Yes, I endorsed Robert Jackson, Alessandra Biaggi, Jessica Ramos, Andrew Gounardes, John Liu, and Zellnor Myrie.

Will you commit to hiring a member of the LGBT community to serve as a liaison to the community?
Yes, I have long had an LGBTQ Liaison in my office.

Will you commit to ensuring diverse LGBT representation among your staff?


Who did you support for office in the following races A) mayor and Public Advocate in 2014 B) President in 2016 C) Governor and Attorney General 2018?
A) Bill de Blasio for Mayor; I did not endorse in the Public Advocate election.
B) Hillary Clinton
C) Andrew Cuomo for Governor; I did not endorse in the Attorney General election.

Describe any federal legislation and policy changes that you support in order to address the ongoing effects of slavery, racism, colonialism, and discrimination
I believe that our country must do more to undo the legacy of slavery and the ongoing harms of racial discrimination. I have authored the MORE Act, which would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level, reassess marijuana convictions, and invest in the local communities most affected by the misguided war on drugs. Additionally, I co-sponsor H.R. 40, which would establish a commission to study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans.

What legislation or other policy changes do you support in order to make college and graduate school affordable for poor, working-class, and middle-class Americans and to alleviate the crushing loan debt that many students and alumni are facing
I support discharging student loan debt, and I’ve joined with Senators Durbin and Warren to sponsor the Student Borrower Bankruptcy Relief Act of 2019, which would remove the cruel prohibition on discharging student loan debt in bankruptcy, unlike nearly any other form of consumer debt.

Do you support a single-payer universal health care system? Please elaborate.
Yes, I believe Medicare for All is the best system to ensure everyone in our country have access to healthcare.

Discuss your stance on reproductive rights, including access to contraceptives and abortion services.
The right to have an abortion and access contraceptives is fundamental to women’s equality, autonomy, and personal liberty. Making decisions about when and how to start a family is central to women’s lives. We must act to ensure that every woman, regardless of state, income, race, or any other factor, retains her constitutional right to access to control her own body. Women must have the freedom to make decisions about their lives without anyone questioning their intellect, morals, or honesty.

Will you refuse money from individuals or Political Action Committees representing the real estate?

Will you refuse and refund any contributions from executives at corporations complicit in the Trump agenda?

What additional information would you like Jim Owles to consider when we are making our endorsements decisions?