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April 2016 Board of Governors Meeting Minutes

Board Meeting was called to order at 1:14pm

Recent Board Activities
During the last couple of months the Club has done additional outreach and voter registration and done mailings for several of its endorsees. The Club also continued activities in the Bernie Sanders campaign, including the Board President speaking at the rally at the Ethical Society.

Candidate forum - 66th Assembly District
Both candidates for the 66th Assembly District attended, gave presentations and took questions from Club members.

Deborah Glick, The incumbent discussed her activities in the Assembly including her eight years as Chair, Higher Education committee and the leadership she has provided as the first gay and lesbian elected official in NY State. One of only 3 women in Senate.
She discussed her legislative activities, including being the lead sponsor on the campus sexual assault bill, bill to increase installation of more red light and speed cameras, opposing Airbnb, and expanding school zones. She discussed other legislation she was active ins upporting including the Marriage Equality Act and Non-Discrimination bills.
She also discussed her local accomplishments including getting a $2.5 million allocation for the Hudson River Park, and her advocacy for the Elizabeth Street Garden and signing on the lawsuit against NYU's expansion plan.

She indicated she supported the Speaker Silver after he was indicted because of his support for her legislative and other proposals. She also indicated that she supported Governor Cuomo because of his support for Marriage Equality, minimum wage increase and gun control, but appreciated the campaign that Zephyr Teachout, whom the Club supported, ran and her ability to move the party to the left.

Arthur Schwartz discussed his long-term involvement with the Club, including putting the Club President on the top of the ballet for delegate for Bernie and his involvement with the club and with candidates the club endorsed, including Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, and Zephyr Teachout. He indicated his decision to run against Deborah related to her support for Speak Sheldon Silver, despite strong evidence of corruption.

He indicated strong supports for 8 year term limit for State Legislators and for publicly funded elections, early and weekend voting, same day registration. He indicated in the Assembly he would propose Free CUNY and SUNY tuition and creating a public option for Health insurance.

He discussed his long-term involvement in the community including defending the tenants in Fulton Houses in court, fighting against the sale of the St. Vincent's site to the Rudin's and (after the sale) fighting for a replacement Hospital in the area.

He indicated that while he expected to be a full tie legislator, he also wanted to keep doing his law practice.

Elected Official Reports

Congressmember Jose Serrano Sr. discussed his votes making him statistically the most liberal member of Congress. He discussed his long term support for vote rights, treating Puerto Rico fairly, and fighting for the poort and for the LGTB community. He discussed the Presidential race and his intention to fight against everything likely Republican nominee Donald Trump stands for.


66th Assembly District - 81% in support of Arthur Schwartz and 19% for Deborah Glick

15th Congressional District – Jose Serrano (unanimous)