LGBTQ Advocacy Group Endorses Congressional Candidate Brian Flynn


After considering each of the Democratic candidates in NY19, the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club endorsed Brian Flynn for Congress.

“Brian has shown that he is well respected in the political arena and is ready to fight for his constituents. He has a deep commitment to carrying on the fight to protect the working class and the elderly and is steadfast in his commitment to uphold a woman’s right to choose and the fight for pay equity,” said Allen Roskoff, co-author of the nation’s first Gay rights bill and President of the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club. “He will lead the fight to see to it that the LGBT community is protected from the radical right and that the struggle for equality is achieved,” he continued. “Brian will fight for those who are underserved and push back against the policies of Donald Trump and the hate coming from Washington. Simply put, Brian Flynn is the real deal, a true progressive who will fight for economic justice and human rights.”

“Brian will fight for those who are underserved and push back against the policies of Donald Trump and the hate coming from Washington. Simply put, Brian Flynn is the real deal, a true progressive who will fight for economic justice and human rights.” –Allen Roskoff, co-author of the nation’s first Gay rights bill and President of the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club

Jim Owles Democratic Club, named after the legendary Gay rights activist and pioneer, is a multi issue organization at the forefront of fighting for progressive change. In addition to LGBTQ issues, their advocacy includes increased AIDS funding, universal health care, continued protection and expansion of reproductive rights, and economic justice.

“At a time when the President of the United States is attacking the transgender community by reinstituting a ban on their ability to serve in the military, this endorsement takes on a new level of meaning for me,” Flynn stated. “My entire campaign is about investing in an America that works for all of us – through policies that eliminate the barriers to economic equality and success,” he continued. “This includes anti-discrimination laws for the LGBTQ and immigrant communities, reinvigorating unions, protections that support women in the workforce, and measures to reduce racial, ethnic, and economic disparities in the criminal justice system.”

Daniel Ravelo