Candidate Answers to JOLDC: Melquiades Gagarin for US Congress NY-06

Candidate Name: Melquiades Gagarin

Office Seeking Election for:
US Congress, Congressional District 06 (Queens)

Campaign Address:
83-46 118th Street 6J Kew Gardens, NY 11415

Campaign Website:

Campaign Telephone: 347.515.3311

Campaign Social Media Handles (Facebook/Twitter):

Campaign Contact (name/phone/email):
Political Director: David Kang/ 347-515-3311 /

Explain, based on life experiences and accomplishments, why you believe you are best qualified to represent your district
I am running for Congress because I’m fighting for a just future for all people, including those who have been marginalized: the working class, people of color, immigrants, our elders, and our LGBTQIA+ neighbors. My political philosophy has been shaped through my lived experiences: I’m a stay-at-home dad, a community advocate, and a progressive candidate who was born in Elmhurst to a Puerto-Rican mother and a Filipino immigrant father. I was raised by my mom — a single parent and 1199SEIU nurse — and my abuela.

My entire career has been dedicated to advancing the causes of social justice and addressing inequity, particularly those faced by marginalized communities. Before becoming a stay at home dad, I led the policy department at College and Community Fellowship, eliminating barriers to higher education for currently and formerly incarcerated individuals. I worked alongside justice-impacted individuals, activists and other stakeholders to eliminate the box on SUNY admissions forms, get the Obama DOE to roll out the Pell Pilot Program for incarcerated students, and saw the issuance of national guidance to eliminate the box from the college admissions process. In this capacity, I realized success is a result of a shared vision between impacted communities, a large active base and public officials who can choose good policy over politics.

I also spent 5 years shaping communications for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund around critical Supreme Court cases involving economic, electoral, and environmental justice at the intersection of race. At the time, LDF was one of the leading organizations fighting to end the school-to-prison pipeline.

Do you now support or have you ever supported an openly LGBTQ candidate for public office?
Yes. Most recently, I was a field lead for Tiffany Caban’s campaign for Queens District Attorney.

If applicable, what legislation directly affecting the LGBT community have you introduced or co-sponsored? (indicate accordingly).

What LGBT organizations have you been involved with, either on a volunteer basis or professionally?

If elected or re-elected will you become a member of the “Squad?"
Yes. I am inspired by the “Squad” because they fight tooth and nail for our most vulnerable communities. In this growing wave of national progressivism, I believe we need members of Congress who are willing to fight for issues that aren’t just pre-approved by Democratic party polls: we need to be ambitious in securing affordable housing for all, decriminalizaiton of sex work, public ownership of utilities, and more because lives depend on these policies. I also believe it’s critical to build a base in Congress that isn’t beholden to corporate interests, which lead to half measures at best. That’s why I won’t accept corporate PAC money, and why I’ve signed the No Fossil Fuel pledge and CODEPINK’s Divest From War pledge. I will only serve the interests of the people.

If applicable, what LGBT organizations have you allocated funds to?
Jim Owles Democratic Club through our campaign, and to Red Canary Song as an individual, which is not specifically an LGBT group but works closely with marginalized members of the LGBT community through decrim work.

Do you consider yourself a member of the LGBT community?
No, I consider myself as an ally.

Have you marched in Pride? Which marches and for approximately how many years?
Yes, I marched in Pride last year with Immigration Equality NY. My family and I marched together to support one of our daughters, who identifies as a lesbian. I have also marched in Queens Pride in the past.

Have you employed openly LGBT individuals previously? Do you employ any currently?
As a manager at a previous employer, I hired and managed an openly LGBT individual. I have hired staff and volunteers on my current campaign team who identify as Queer.

If you receive the endorsement, do you agree to identify the club on all literature and electronic materials where you list endorsements?

What press conferences, demonstrations, rallies and protests in support of LGBT issues, pro choice legislation, criminal justice issues and the Resist Trump Movement have you attended?
Protest against Family Separations (multiple), Community Vigil for Song Yang, Pride, Vocal NY Rally to End Homelessness, various CJ related demonstrations during my time at CCF.

Have you ever been arrested? If so please explain why and outcome of arrest.

Will you advocate for legislation to mandate the review of sentences of incarcerated individuals over the age of 55 who have served in excess of 15 years to determine if they warrant release?

Do you commit to visit constituents who are incarcerated in state prisons such as Bedford Correctional Facility?

Do you believe sincere remorse, risk of reoffending and actions taken while incarcerated should be considered over the original crime in determinations of parole?


Have you participated in any demonstrations or protests in relation to the issues of clemency and parole?

I’ve participated in Lobby Days in Albany, which included parole related policy advocacy.

Will you affirmatively seek to hire formerly incarcerated individuals?


Do you believe in the decriminalization of sex work?

What proposals will you advocate for the protection of immigrants and to further New York as a Sanctuary City?
I will fight to secure DACA and DAPA, creating a path to citizenship for our DREAMer friends and neighbors. I support abolishing ICE and ending the militarization of the CBP. Asylum seekers should be fast-tracked and given the chance to build the better life that they came here seeking. Regarding sanctuary cities and states, I will support legislation that prevents federal retaliation of withholding funding.

Will you advocate, including introducing legislation, to remove public funding from religious schools?

Do you support the establishment of supervised drug consumption spaces?

Have you ever endorsed any member of the IDC or any candidates who challenged IDC members? Please identify all candidates.
I have not previously endorsed any IDC members.

Will you commit to hiring a member of the LGBT community to serve as a liaison to the community?

Will you commit to ensuring diverse LGBT representation among your staff?

Who did you support for office in the following races A) mayor and Public Advocate in 2014 B) President in 2016 C) Governor and Attorney General 2018
A) I believe I voted for DeBlasio and Tish James B) Bernie Sanders in the primary, Hillary Clinton in the General C) Cynthia Nixon/Zephyr Teachout

Describe any federal legislation and policy changes that you support in order to address the ongoing effects of slavery, racism, colonialism, and discrimination
To directly address those effects, I support federal legislation such as, H.R. 40 (a study of federal reparation proposals), the Equality Act, and the REAL Act. These policies provide protections for those who experience the ongoing effects of slavery, racism, and colonialism, for those who face discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity, and for those justice-impacted individuals who face barriers to higher education.

Yet the ongoing effects of slavery, racism, colonialism, and discrimination pervades through multiple areas of life — including education, credit, housing, public spaces, and more. As a member of Congress, I will ensure every legislation I sponsor provides consistent protections against discrimination. I will introduce the Golden Years Security Act, legislation that will fill the gaps between our current social safety net and will cover long term care for our elderly population. A critical aspect is providing discrimination protections for LGBTQIA + elders, in addition to providing specialized medical needs which our current healthcare infrastructure fails to.

What legislation or other policy changes do you support in order to make college and graduate school affordable for poor, working-class, and middle-class Americans and to alleviate the crushing loan debt that many students and alumni are facing?

I support free public colleges, universities, and trade schools for all. I also support eliminating all student debt.

Do you support a single-payer universal health care system? Please elaborate.
I support federal universal single-payer Medicare for All. No longer will our health be weighed against the balance sheets of massive corporations; with a single-payer program, all residents of the United States will be covered for their medical services, including doctor, hospital, preventive, long-term care, mental health, reproductive health care, dental, vision, prescription drug and medical supply costs. Eliminating co-pays, premiums, and deductibles means that lower- and middle-income Americans will no longer have to weigh the cost of paying for life-saving medicine against feeding their families.

Discuss your stance on reproductive rights, including access to contraceptives and abortion services.

I believe in complete and total access to contraception and abortion services, and believe that they must be covered as part of Medicare for All.

Will you refuse money from individuals or Political Action Committees representing the real estate?
Yes. My campaign refuses donations from real estate developers, corporate PACs, the fossil fuel industry, and defense contractors and weapons manufacturers.

Will you refuse and refund any contributions from executives at corporations complicit in the Trump agenda?

What additional information would you like Jim Owles to consider when we are making our endorsements decisions?
My professional experiences are in fighting a corrupt criminal justice system: one designed to harm black and brown communities, to create a prison industrial complex, and to profit off mass incarceration. Through my work, I have been part of coalitions with leaders and impacted individuals who were never once discouraged in the fight for justice. I carry that spirit with me always, because as people, our liberation is bound to one another — a liberation which must be demanded and fought for. I am excited to bring justice to the Sixth District and to fight for a better future for all.