Candidate Answers to JOLDC: Kellan Calder for DL Assembly District 43

Candidate Name: Kellan Calder

Office Seeking Election for: District Leader Assembly District 43


1. Explain, based on life experiences and accomplishments, why you believe you are best qualified to represent your district. 

I’m best qualified to represent my district because my neighbors and community deserve a representative who values accessibility, transparency, as well as accountability. District leaders have the responsibility to positively influence policies at local levels that are in the best interest of our community. They should welcome participation and not maintain the practice of exclusionary politics. As a parent and person who lives in this neighborhood, I know we deserve better. That’s why I want to represent my neighbors and fellow Brooklynites.

I bring a unique blend of life and professional experiences. I've experienced hardships, which have led me to a place of empathy and understanding for all. As a graduate of CUNY Queens College, I majored in Political Science, and was able to understand our political systems and how they have the ability to uplift our communities.These experiences have given me a blend of pragmatism and optimism that has come to define and differentiate me.

2. Please identify any openly LGBTQ candidates for public office you have previously or presently endorsed? I have not been in a position to endorse an LGBTQ candidate.

3. If applicable what legislation directly affecting the LGBTQ community have you introduced or co-sponsored?  Not applicable

4. What LGBTQ organizations have you been involved with, either on a volunteer or professional basis? I have been a volunteer at Gay Men’s Health Crisis.

5. If applicable, what LGBTQ organizations have you allocated funds to? n/a

6. Do you consider yourself a member of the LGBTQ community? Yes, I identify as Queer and the strength and love of the LGBTQ community has had meaningful impact on my life.

7. Have you marched in any Pride parades? Which marches and for approximately how many years? I have not marched at Pride, only the Dyke March.

8. Have you employed openly LGBTQ individuals previously? Do you employ any currently? I am not and have not been in a position where I’ve been responsible for employment decisions.

9. If you receive the Jim Owles endorsement, do you agree to identify the club on all literature and electronic materials where you list endorsements? Yes, proudly!

10. What press conferences, demonstrations, rallies and protests in support of LGBTQ issues, pro choice legislation, criminal justice reform issues and the Resist Trump Movement have you attended and/or participated in? None

11. Have you ever been arrested in pursuit of legislation or for protesting an injustice? Please elaborate.  No.

12. If you are an incumbent, what have you accomplished in your most recent term? I am not an incumbent.

13. For the following pieces of legislation, please answer if you are currently a sponsor or co-sponsor (if you are an incumbent), or if you will co-sponsor (if you are not an incumbent):

A. Fair and Timely Parole (S.1415A / A.4231A): A bill pending in Albany that would ensure access to the parole release process for incarcerated people in New York State. This bill insures that decisions on parole are not solely based on the nature of the original crimes but includes incarcerated peoples’ record of rehabilitation and assessment of current risk to public safety.

B. Elder Parole (S.15A / A.3475A): A bill pending in Albany that would allow elderly incarcerated people who have served at least 15 years in prison an opportunity to appear before the Parole Board for a chance at release. 

C. Will you commit to oppose NY State bill S1922/A659, which makes trafficking 20 or more firearms within 1 year a Class A-1 felony punishable with a minimum of 15-25 years imprisonment or maximum of life imprisonment, and which would expand mass incarceration without promoting public safety?

14. If you will not co-sponsor any of the above legislation, why not? District Leader/ State Committee persons do not legislate

15. Do you oppose the efforts to weaken bail reform as written. Strongly oppose.

16. Do you commit to visiting constituents who are incarcerated in state prisons and city jails? If incumbent, when did you do so last? I will commit to visiting incarcerated constituents.

17. Do you support legislation outlawing solitary confinement in all prisons statewide including city jails? I strongly support outlawing solitary confinement because it is cruel and harmful.

18. When was the last time you were inside a correctional facility? I have not been to a correctional facility

19. Do you believe sincere remorse and actions taken while incarcerated should be considered over the original crime in determinations of parole?

I think if true remorse and actions taken while incarcerated have been performed to help others or build community and assistance, then yes they should be considered, because that means the person has undergone reform in an unimaginably brutal environment.

20. What do you believe should be done to ensure more clemencies are granted every year? We should have a system to review cases and present them to the Governor.

21. Will you publicly call on the governor to use her clemency power for the many incarcerated New Yorkers who can safely return home? Will you tweet out your support for this or issue a public statement? Would you be willing to be critical of a governor who does not exercise their power to grant clemencies and commutations to those worthy of release? Have you ever spoken out in such a way? I would use my voice and agency to call on the Governor to exercise clemency for incarcerated individuals.

22. Have you participated in any demonstrations or protests concerning clemency and parole? No

23. Will you affirmatively seek to hire formerly incarcerated individuals?  Yes.

24. Do you support legislation to prohibit discrimination against formerly incarcerated people in housing and employment? Yes, strongly.

25. Do you believe in the decriminalization of sex work? Are you or will you co-sponsor the bill introduced by Julia Salazar (S.6419 / A. 8230), which fully decriminalizes sex work? Sex work needs to be decriminalized.

26. Will you actively oppose legislation (S.6040 / A.7069) that would implement the dangerous Nordic model instead of the decriminalization of prostitution? Explain in detail your views on full decriminalization, the Nordic model, legalization, and the existing criminalization approach.

Sex work should be decriminalized and measures taken to make it safer for Sex Workers. The Nordic Model is a flawed approach, and it drives Sex Work underground while further creating unsafe conditions. We need to recognize and listen to Sex Workers to hear what they belive should be done to keep them safe and grant them the dignity they deserve.

27. Do you support ending qualified immunity for police and other law enforcement individuals? Yes.

28. What proposals will you advocate for to protect immigrants and further New York as a “Sanctuary State”? I support the NY For All Act because we should not be colluding with ICE and harming our neighbors.

29. Are you a sponsor of New York's Medical Aid in Dying Act (A.4321a/S.6471)? If not will you add your name and sponsor? District Leaders do not legislate.

29. Do you support the establishment of supervised drug consumption spaces? Yes, we need to practice safety and harm reduction methodologies.

30. Have you ever endorsed any member of the IDC or any candidates who challenged IDC members? Please identify all candidates No

31. Will you commit to ensuring diverse LGBTQ representation among your staff?

District Leader is a volunteer position without staff, but I will make every effort to engage LGBTQ community memebers and address their concerns.

32. Who did you support for office in the following primaries or special elections: A) Mayor in 2021 B) President in 2016 and 2020 C) Governor and Attorney General in 2018?

Mayor 2021- Maya Wiley

President 2016- Bernie Sanders

President 2020- Joe Biden

Governor Primaries 2018 - Cynthia Nixon

Attorney General 2018 - Letitia James

33. Have you made an endorsement in the current bid for Governor? If so, who? No , I have not been in the position to make that decision.

34. Do you support term limits for statewide office holders? For State Legislators? Yes, I strongly support term limits for statewide office holders and State Legislators.

35. Describe any legislation and policy changes that you support in order to address the ongoing effects of slavery, racism, colonialism, and discrimination. 

Addressing the effects of racism, slvery, colonialism, and discrimination require fully funding and supporting housing for all, decriminalizing poverty and providing real meaningful support for the communities impacted by these horrific practices. We need to fully fund our schools in these communities and uplift the children who have inherited this horrific legacy. We need to pass bills that deter aggressive policing in these communities and address the effects of severely underfunding public housing.

36. What legislation or other policy changes do you support in order to make college and graduate school affordable for poor, working-class, and middle-class Americans and to alleviate the crushing loan debt that many students and alumni are facing?

I support forgiving student loans, the New Deal for CUNY, making community college and trade programs free, making state graduate programs affordable, and increasing the Pell Grant.

37. Do you support a single-payer universal health care system? Do you or will you co-sponsor the New York Health Act? Please elaborate.

I support a single-payer universal health care system, like the New York Health Act because Health Care is a human right.

38. Discuss your stance on reproductive rights, including access to contraceptives and abortion services.

I am very pro choice and I believe safe access to abortion and contraceptives is a fundamental right. There should not be conditions or stipulations to deem people ‘worthy / justified’ for their choice. Abortion and contraceptives are personal matters that everyone should have access to in a nondiscriminatory and supportive environment.

39. Will you refuse money from individuals or Political Action Committees representing the real estate industry or law enforcement unions/associations? Yes

40. Will you refuse and refund any contributions from executives at corporations complicit in the Trump agenda? Yes, with surety.

41. Will you cosponsor the legislation to prohibit evictions without good cause (S.3082 / A.5573)? DL’s do not put forth legislation, but I support legislation to prohibit evictions without good cause.

42. Will you push for the passage of Home Stability Support (HSS) to bridge the difference between the public assistance shelter allowance and fair market rents for NY's 95,000 homeless? Will you co-sponsor S.856 / A.6032, which amends the Social Services Law to create a statewide rent supplement for families and individuals who are eligible for public assistance benefits and who face eviction, homelessness, or loss of housing due to domestic violence or hazardous living conditions? Yes

43. What should happen to 421-a? Would you end it, mend it, continue it? End it, because it has been a boon for developers without helping communities in need. The use of the AMI has not made those units affordable to residents in the 43rd , where the AMI is almost two times higher than the true average wages in the district.

44. Do you support legalizing accessory dwelling units?

Yes, we need more housing, but it has to be done in a way that makes them safe and comfortable. I lived in one and unfortunately there was no heat, so I strongly believe they have to be brought up to a standard that allows dignity, safety, and comfort for the tenant.

45. Do you support more state funding for NYCHA? If so, how much?

Yes I do. The underfunding of NYCHA is a gross embarrassment from the federal to the state level. NYCHA’s funding should be doubled from previous levels to at least 828 million.

46. Do you, or will you, co-sponsor the Climate and Community Investment Act? (S.4264A / A.6967) If you are an incumbent and do not currently co-sponsor this bill, why not?

DL’s do not put forth legislation, but I support the Climate and Community Investment Act.

47. Do you support the New York Public Banking Act (S.1762A / A. 8290? If you are an incumbent and do not currently co-sponsor this bill, why not? Yes

48. Do you support the New Deal for CUNY (S.4461 / A.5843)? If you are an incumbent and do not currently co-sponsor this bill, why not?

Yes! As a graduate of CUNY , the need for a New Deal for CUNY cannot be understated.

49. In view of the fact that Ed Koch has been documented to have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people with AIDS, and was blatantly racist, would you support a city bill to rename the former Queensboro Bridge? Do you authorize the use of your name for such a purpose? Yes and yes.

50. What is your position on removing the Christopher Columbus statue in Columbus Circle and if so, what should replace it? As someone of Caribbean and African American heritage, I’m strongly in support of removing the statue, and replacing it with a statue/ memorial to honor groups that were harmed by colonization.

51. Do you support reducing the budget of law enforcement throughout the state, and if so, by how much? I support reducing the budget and allocating the funds to the social services needed for individuals and communities impacted by aggressive policing tactics and underfunding.

52. Are you in favor of removing police from any of the following? a) Schools; b) Mental health response calls; c) Homeless outreach and social services; or d) Traffic enforcement. I am in favor of removing police from schools, mental health response calls, homeless outreach and social services, and traffic enforcement. Many of these situations need social workers, support staff, or de-escalation.

53. Should law enforcements "Vice Squads" be eliminated? Yes

54. How would you recommend law enforcement officers be penalized for refusing to wear masks in public while on duty, in defiance of city and state rules? I would like for them to not be allowed to work in the community and have to stay home because they are putting people at risk. They are public servants and defiance of the city and state rules shows that they are not prioritizing the communities they serve.

55. What reforms would you make to the Civilian Complaint Review Board? Would you support state legislation to make CCRB disciplinary determinations binding? I would have their disciplinary determinations be binding and I would support the legislation to strengthen them.

56. What will you do to support nightlife in New York State? I will champion new bars and establishments in the 43rd AD, by meeting their owners and seeing how we can use whatever channels they are most comfortable with for promoting them within the community.

57. Do you commit to speak with restaurant and nightlife industry representatives before taking a position on any policies that affect their businesses?

I absolutely would. I worked in the service industry for many years.

58. Do you commit to speak personally with liquor license applicants and license holders before opposing any bid for a liquor license? Likewise for an applicant seeking your support?

I would speak with them, but unfortunately District Leaders do not have agency for this issue.

59. What are the top 3 issues you aim to address locally and legislatively? Issues I’d like to address locally are:

1. Empowering constituents by letting them know who represents them and what the different levels mean for their concerns

2. Use of proxy reform within the County Committee by District Leaders

3. I’d like to get more neighbors engaged and involved by forming an Assembly District Committee

60. How much money do you presently have in your campaign account? $3,700

61. What additional information would you like members The Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club to consider when we are making our endorsement decision concerning your candidacy?

I am a nontraditional candidate, but I have a fierce love of my community and for my neighbors. We have been done a disservice and they haven’t been welcomed into the political process. I resolve to change that and engage my neighbors at all levels to let them know that they are invited! This is their party because the people in the 43rd AD are its greatest asset.

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