Candidate Answers to JOLDC: Gustavo Rivera for NY Senate District 33

Candidate Name: Gustavo Rivera

Office Seeking Election for: New York State Senate District 33


With the possibility of Donald J. Trump winning (stealing) the next Presidential election and ending democracy and civil rights in the United States, it is more important than ever that we elect progressive, dynamic leaders to the New York State Senate and New York State Assembly.

1. Based upon your life experiences and accomplishments why should we believe you would be a dynamic, progressive leader who would stand up for Civil Rights and Democracy?

I have been honored to represent the 33rd State Senate District for over a decade and I would like to continue working for my neighbors. Since the Democratic Conference was able to get the majority in the Senate we have

been able to accomplish so much for working New Yorkers, but there is still a lot to do. I am running because I strongly believe government can have a positive impact on people’s lives and I would like to continue directly playing a role in governance.

Harold Lasswell said, “Politics is who gets what, when, and how.” I truly believe that is true and I want to fight to make sure that I use my political power to help working New Yorkers and my constituents.

As the Chair of the Senate Health Committee, my number one goal is to pass the New York Health Act. Wealth should not dictate your health and I am committed to making that a reality in New York.

2. What is your involvement in the LGBTQ Civil Rights movement? What candidates have you or are you supporting who are openly LGBTQ? What legislation have you/do you support to further LGBTQ rights? Do you /will you have an LGBTQ liaison in your office? What LGBTQ organizations have you been involved with, either on a volunteer or professional basis?

I proudly voted for the Marriage Equality Act in 2011, one of the first pieces of legislation that I voted on. I have also co-sponsored and voted on the following bills: Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act (S.1047) and Bans on Conversion Therapy (S.1046). I have been involved with the following organizations on a volunteer basis and as a supporter via my capacity as State Senator:

? Stonewall Democratic Club


? Bronx LGBTQ Community Center

? Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club

In the last year, I have supported Jabari Brisport, Jessica Gonzalez-Rojas and Tiffany Caban for public office, among others.

3. What demonstrations, rallies, and protests have you participated in support of LGBTQ issues, African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American Civil Rights,

pro-choice legislation, criminal justice issues, and Resist Trump?

I have attended countless LGBTQ Rallies, Pro Choice Rallies, Criminal Justice Rallies, and Civil Rights rallies in office and will continue to do so.

4. Do you support reparations to compensate African Americans for the history of slavery, Jim Crow, and systemic racism in this country? Yes, I was a co-sponsor on the bill to create a reparations task force in New York.

5. What are your concrete proposals to address current systemic racism in terms of employment, housing, voting rights, and the criminal justice system in the U.S.? I am a proud co-sponsor of the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. I have continued to advocate for Elder Parole, Clean Slate, and Fair and Timely

Parole. I have been a leader on this issue since I first took office in 2011, and will continue to be a leader on this issue.

6. Will you advocate for elder parole where incarcerated individuals aged 55 and older who have serviced in excess of 15 years obtain parole hearings? Are you a sponsor of the Elder Parole Bill, Senate 2423? Yes, I am a sponsor of the Elder Parole Bill (S2423)

7. Do you sponsor the Earned Time Act, Senate S774, which strengthens and expands “good time” and “earned time” to support rehabilitation efforts? Yes, I am a co-sponsor of S774.

8. Do you sponsor Eliminate Mandatory Minimum Bill Act, S6471 which reduces excessive sentences and enables judges to look at individual factors and mitigating circumstances? Yes, I am a co-sponsor of the Eliminate Mandatory Minimum Act S6471.

9. Do you sponsor the Second Look Act, S7872, which allows for reconsideration of prison sentences based on changes in law and circumstances? Yes I am a

co-sponsor of S7872.

10. Have you participated, and will you participate in demonstrations and protests in relation to the issues of clemency and parole? Yes.

11. Will you affirmatively seek to hire formerly incarcerated individuals?

I will commit to hiring formerly incarcerated individuals and will avoid stigmatizing anyone during the hiring process.

12. Have you and will you visit incarcerated constituents to learn of their conditions? Yes. I most recently visited the Otisville Correctional Facility. I have made double digit visits to incarcerated constituents during my time in office.

13. What are your proposals to have prisons focus more on rehabilitation and less on punishment?

The reason why I support legislation such as Fair and Timely Parole, Eliminate Mandatory Minimum Act and Second Look Act is that I believe that no one should be defined by the worst thing that they ever did and if they have demonstrated accepting responsibility and changed, then they should be let back into society.

14. Do you support ending the cruel punishment of solitary confinement, such as was recently mandated by the New York City Council? I believe that solitary confinement is torture. New York State must guarantee our corrections system meets the basic standards of human rights.

15. What are your proposals to facilitate individuals who have recently entered the

U.S. to be able to live decently with employment and housing? I am the proud sponsor of Coverage for All, fought for the excluded workers fund, which provided support for jobless workers who were excluded from unemployment benefits, and proudly co-sponsor the Access to

Representation Act. I will continue to fight for affordable housing and fight for Good Cause Eviction.

16. What proposals do you advocate to combat the cruel and inhumane immigration policies that the Trump Administration commenced and which, to some degree, are still in effect? While much needed immigration reform can only be handled federally, New York State can do its part to protect all New Yorkers, regardless of immigration status. We must continue to expand access to free immigration legal services. We must prohibit law enforcement from collaborating with ICE. We must pass bills like my Coverage For All legislation that would help fund healthcare access for immigrant New Yorkers.

17. Do you believe in the decriminalization of sex work? Yes, and I am a co-sponsor legislation decriminalizing sex work.

18. Do you oppose legislation that promotes the Nordic model? Yes.

19. What concrete proposals do you support to lift up women after four years of Trump being President? As chair of the health committee, I have made it a priority that New York remains a safe haven for abortion care. I will be voting in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment in November. Finally, we must continue to push back against any funding for crisis pregnancy centers and instead focus on further investments in reproductive healthcare.

20. Do you support a single-payer universal health care system? Please elaborate. Healthcare is a human right and it is critical that we pass the New York Health Act to make that a reality in New York State. This is my number one priority as the sponsor of the bill.

21. What have you done to facilitate reproductive rights, including access to contraceptives and abortion services? I am the proud co-sponsor of the reproductive freedom and equity grant program, I supported codifying Roe in the New York State Constitution, and, as discussed, will push for supporting the Equal Rights Amendment in the constitution. As long as I am Health Chair, protecting reproductive freedom will be a priority for me.

22. Will you refuse contributions from individuals or Political Action Committees representing the Real Estate industry, from police or correction communities? Yes

23. Will you refuse and refund any contributions from executives or corporations complicit in the Trump anti-American agenda? Yes

24. How do you propose that we address the current surge of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism?

Education is the key to fight the current surge of Islamophobia and Anti-Semitism in the US. My office will continue to work with all faith leaders to ensure that my constituents feel safe and heard.

25. Did you or would you have voted for the censure of U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib?

26. Do you support an immediate ceasefire in the Middle East?

27. Should we condition further aid to Israel? What conditions should we stress that Israel abides by?

28. Will you refuse funds from Trump-supporting AIPAC? Yes.

29. What are your concrete proposals to prevent Trump and his cult from taking over this country and ending democracy? I support legislation to Remove Trump from the ballot, and will continue to fight to ensure that he does not get back into power.

30. How can we combat the movement in this country to ban books, prevent colleges from discussing issues and demonizing intelligence as “woke”? We must continue to fund our schools, including a New Deal for CUNY and SUNY, and ensure that students have the right to express themselves.

31. As Christopher Columbus caused the death/slavery of thousands, should we replace the Christopher Columbus statue in Columbus Circle, and if so, what should replace it? Do you authorize the use of your name for such a purpose? Yes

32. As Edward I Koch caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people with AIDS and was blatantly racist, should we rename the former Queensboro Bridge? Do you authorize the use of your name for such a purpose? Yes.

33. What will you do to support nightlife in New York State? Do you commit to speaking with liquor license applicants and restaurant/nightlife industry representatives before taking a position on policies affecting their businesses? Yes, I commit to my team speaking with liquor license applicants and restaurant/nightlife industry representatives before taking a position on policies affecting their businesses.

34. What is your opinion of Eric Adams as New York City Mayor? Are you involved in finding someone to run for Mayor of New York City? . Mayor Adams policies have hurt the communities that I represent. I look forward to hearing about alternative candidates and speaking to these candidates if and when they decide to run against the mayor.

35. How can we mandate that every community do its share to have affordable housing and care for the recently arrived people? We must lead by example and actively fight back against hate in all forms.

36. Are you a sponsor of Good Cause Eviction S305 legislation? Yes

37. Do you support allowing legal Immigrants to vote in local elections? Yes.