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September 2018 Board of Governors Meeting Minutes

Meeting was called to order at 7:20 pm

  1. Mailings are ready to go out – approximately 3,000 pieces in each of 5 State Senate Districts (in support of candidates running against IDC member incumbents). 5,000 pieces went out promoting the club’s Judicial Slate.

  2. Volunteers were sought for campaigning for club endorsed candidates for Primary day, Thursday, September 13th. Lisa is coordinating the volunteers.

  3. Board Officers Danny Roskoff and Ali Najmi presented an initial draft of proposed amendments to the JOLD Club Constitution. It was noted that the Club does not have By-Laws and Constitution thus includes a description of Board governance. It was also noted that some of the amendments were modeled on Village Independent Democrat Clubs’s Constitution. The draft will be distributed to Officers for their ideas and review before a recommendation is made to the Club members.


Executive Session

The Officers went into Executive session at 8:15pm

  1. Chris Marchitello was unanimously elected Interim Vice President. She joins Paul Smith-Leonard as Vice Chair.

  2. Martin Sigal was unanimously elected Outreach Coordinator (upon the departure of Charles Bayor from that position)

  3. The Officers voted to eliminate the Special Project Coordinator positions. 61% in favor, 39% opposed.

  4. The Officers voted unanimously to create 2 Officer positions for Policy Advisor.

  5. The Officers voted unanimously for Councilmembers Ritchie Torres and Daniel Dromm to the Officer positions of Policy Advisor


The meeting was adjourned at 9:45pm