I. Candidate Interviews (in order of interview)
James Felton Keith (candidate 13th Congressional District)
Congressman Adriano Espaillat (13th Congressional District)
Peter Harrison (12th Congressional District)
Lindsey Boylan (10th Congressional District)
Congressman Gerald Nadler (10th Congressional District)
Saraj Patel (12th Congressional District)
Erica Vladimer (12th Congressional District)
Carolyn Maloney (12th Congressional District)
State Senator Brad Hoylman (27th State Senate District)
State Senator Robert Jackson (31st State Senate District)
Samy Nemir Olivares – (53st Assembly District -- District Leader)
State Senator Jose M. Serrano (29th State Senate District)
Lauren Ashcraft (12th Congressional District)
Assemblymember Catalina Cruz – (39th Assembly District)
Michael Weinstock (3rd Congressional District)
Melanie D’Arrigo (3rd Congressional District)
Congressman Thomas Suozzi (3rd Congressional District)
II. Candidates Endorsed
3rd Congressional District - Thomas Suozzi
10th Congressional District – Jerald Nadler
12th Congressional District – Carolyn Maloney
13th Congressional District - Adiano Espailat
27th NYS Senate District - Brad Hoylman
29th NYS Senate District - Jose M. Serrano
31st NYS Senate District - Robert Jackson
39th NYS Assembly District – Catalina Cruz
District Leader - 53rd NYS Assembly District - Samy Nemir Olivares unanimous
III. Governing Board voted unanimously in favor a Board restructuring that included adding three new Governing Board members, all present at the meeting – Scott Kaplan, Briget Rein, David George
IV. Several people agreed to participate in a Club trip to Maine this summer to support the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate
V. Releasing Aging People in Prison (RAPP) update - David George reported several current RAPP initiatives including some progress on the Elder Parole Bill currently in the NYS Senate and efforts to prevent roll backs on the Bail Reform Bill passed last year.