Candidate Answers to JOLDC: Alicia Hyndman for NY Assembly District 29

Candidate Name: Alicia Hyndman

Office Seeking Election for: New York State Assembly, 29th District (Queens)

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1. Explain, based on life experiences and accomplishments, why you believe you are best qualified to represent your district.
I have served as the Assemblywoman since 2016 having won a special election in 2015. As a former employee of the New York State Education Department, a member of the Community Education Council, a single mother of two girls, and a homeowner I felt qualified me to run for office.  After I won the seat, I threw myself into serving my community on issues such as transportation, education, housing, healthcare, and equity.  


2. Do you now support or have you ever supported an openly LGBTQ candidate for public office? 
I believe in equity and fairness and have raised my children to be accepting of everyone.  I am accepting of anyone from any race or gender who has a heart of service for the people.


3. If applicable, what legislation directly affecting the LGBT community have you introduced or co-sponsored? (indicate accordingly) I’ve co-sponsored Assembly bills A54-B, A747, A5240-A. Although I am not listed as a co-sponsor of A576(voted YES) and A654, I support the legislation.


4 LGBT organizations have you been involved with, either on a volunteer basis or professionally? 
Stonewall Dems


5. If applicable, what LGBT organizations have you allocated funds to?
I advocated and voted in favor of funding for the LGBT Health and Human Services Network ($475,000 in the FY20-21 budget)


6. Do you consider yourself a member of the LGBT community?
Yes, as an ally and being a member of a marginalized group, being that I am a black woman.


7. Have you marched in Pride? Which marches and for approximately how many years? 
I have participated in the Queens Pride Parade for the past five years.


8. Have you employed openly LGBT individuals previously? Do you employ any currently?
I have not employed any openly LGBTQ individual.  


9. If you receive the endorsement, do you agree to identify the club on all literature and electronic materials where you list endorsements? 
If I'm fortunate to receive the endorsement I will include it on my printed and electronic materials.


10. What press conferences, demonstrations, rallies and protests in support of LGBT issues, pro choice legislation, criminal justice issues and the Resist Trump Movement have you attended?
I’ve attended press conferences relating to New York State codifying Roe v. Wade, the Comprehensive Contraceptive Care Act, banning conversion therapy among many others


11. Have you ever been arrested? If so please explain why and outcome of arrest.
I have never been arrested


12. Will you advocate and sponsor legislation to mandate the review of sentences of incarcerated individuals over the age of 55 who have served in excess of 15 years to determine if they warrant release?
I’m in support and a co-sponsor of legislation (A9040) that will allow for the review of sentences of incarcerated individuals aged 55 or older.


13. Do you commit to visit constituents who are incarcerated in state prisons such as Bedford Correctional Facility? 
At this point I have only visited constituents imprisoned on Rikers Island.  I would visit Bedford Correctional Facility.


14. Do you believe sincere remorse, risk of reoffending and actions taken while incarcerated should be considered over the original crime in determinations of parole? 
I strongly believe that the life one lives while incarcerated shows whether or not the individual is reformed.  Parole should never be a retrial of the original crime committed.


15. Have you participated in any demonstrations or protests in relation to the issues of clemency and parole?  I have not.


16. Will you affirmatively seek to hire formerly incarcerated individuals?
I have hired formerly incarcerated individuals


17. Do you believe in the decriminalization of sex work? Are you sponsoring the bill introduced by Jessica Ramos? 
I'll be honest with you that I have had quite a few black and latina women's groups lobby against this bill because they feel it would disproportionately affect women of color.  That when it comes to sex trafficking black and brown girls are the main groups of victimization.  Assemblymember Dick Gottfried has this bill in the Assembly and I am not a co-sponsor.  I feel this bill requires further discussion.


18. Will you actively oppose legislation that would implement the dangerous Nordic model instead of decriminalization of prostitution?
Just like discussions I’ve had regarding Jessica Ramos’ bill, I have had discussions with advocates pushing for the Nordic model. In reference to the Nordic model and the issue of decriminalization as a whole, I believe further discussions need to be held in order to make sure any legislation passed on this issue fully protects individuals who are sex workers as well as making sure our women of color especially those in low income areas are not left to be taken advantage of.


19. What proposals will you advocate for to protect immigrants and the further New York as a Sanctuary City? 
I would like houses of worship to be sanctioned as safe places for undocumented individuals.  Every community would be able to recognize their house of worship as a place that could provide services, meals, and safety against the aggressive administration of number 45.


20. Will you advocate, including introducing legislation, to remove public funding from religious schools? 
No I wouldn't remove funding from religious institutions.  This is America and if parents, tax payers, want to send their children to religious institutions that's their right.  There already exists funding streams for religious institutions well before I made it to the Assembly.


21 Do you support the establishment of supervised drug consumption spaces? I do


22. Have you ever endorsed any member of the IDC or any candidates who challenged IDC members? Please identify all candidates. 
I have not


23. Will you commit to hiring a member of the LGBT community to serve as a liaison to the community? 
I would hire a member of the LGBTQ community as long as the individual is qualified.


24. Will you commit to ensuring diverse LGBT representation among your staff?   I do


25. Who did you support for office in the following races A) mayor and Public Advocate in 2014 B) President in 2016 C) Governor and Attorney General 2018.  
2014 James 2016 Clinton 2018 Cuomo & James


26. Describe any legislation and policy changes that you support in order to address the ongoing effects of slavery, racism, colonialism, and discrimination. Raise the age, Bail Reform, My Brothers Keeper, culturally responsive education, and more to come.


27. What legislation or other policy changes do you support in order to make college and graduate school affordable for poor, working-class, and middle-class Americans and to alleviate the crushing loan debt that many students and alumni are facing? 
I pushed and got almost 70 members to sign a letter to the speaker to increase the amount of TAP students could be eligible for during the just ended budget cycle.


28. Do you support a single-payer universal health care system? Please elaborate.
A single payer universal healthcare system sounds great and would be the dream goal however, with the dynamics of the U.S, a two-tier universal healthcare system will be ideal. A two-tier system will allow for the government to provide basic affordable healthcare with a secondary coverage available for those who can afford a higher standard of care. This will allow for everyone to have access to healthcare without burdening the healthcare system


29. Discuss your stance on reproductive rights, including access to contraceptives and abortion services.
A woman's right to choose is paramount and I will always support that.


30. Will you refuse money from individuals or Political Action Committees representing the real estate industry? 
I believe in responsible development and have been very involved with affordable housing within the 29th AD.  We need housing in Queens and we have been able to bring housing in line with preferences for community based and income based constituents.


31. Will you refuse and refund any contributions from executives at corporations complicit in the Trump agenda?  Yes


32. Are you against the opening of casinos in New York owned and controlled by anti-union and Trump mega-donor Sheldon Adelson? Yes


33. Do you support the surrogacy bill introduced by Senator Brad Hoylman allowing women to decide control of her body in regard to surrogacy?
I support surrogacy.  It was in the budget, but I wanted such a big policy issue to stand alone.


34. Will you cosponsor the legislation to prohibit evictions without good cause (previously S2892A)? 
This is Assemblywoman Hunter's bill and I am a supporter.


35. Will you push for the passage of Home Stability Support (HSS) to bridge the difference between the public assistance shelter allowance and fair market rents for NY's 95,000 homeless?     
I will and I have.  AM Hevesi's bill 


36. What additional information would you like Jim Owles to consider when we are making our endorsements decisions?   
I am an ally of the LGBTQ community.  I have taught my daughters from an early age that love is love and judgement of one's lifestyle has no place in this world.  I have supported and will continue to advocate for the rights of  all New Yorkers as long as I am allowed to serve in the NYS Assembly.